The House of Cards - A KPOP GROUP IDEA

These are all theoretical lol. 
I'm not making any type of group but I do have some idea for concepts or whatever. So there is no album lol

Group: The House of Cards 

Theme: Classical/Circus 

Concept: Classical Modern Mix

Message: Growth/Change 

Debut Album: When The Cards Fall Down

Theme is based on a classical type of music mixed with more modern. When the album starts it's classical feel and there is not much of any modern mixing like rap or circus acts yet. Just Ballet, Opera and piano but as they grow they include more modern music/dance types however they do always relapse into their classical ways. So its a push and pull between the old and new.

That's what change is trying to become new and trying not relapse into old habits which is hard. 

That's why some songs in the album sound repetitive of the same, they relapse back into the classical ways. 

Like those card towers when they fall, you build them up again. And when you relapse into a old habit, you try be better again. 

Styles of Music:

Styles of Dance: Acrobatic/Ballet 
Styles of Performance: Trapeze/Tightrope, Unicycle Acts etc
Styles of Sounds: Rapping/Piano/Opera
Members, 6, : Named after Cards and Moves in Card Games

The Members will be older than most, late 20s to early 30s to give that mature look and sound

1. Diamond - Opera Singer
2. Heart  - Piano/Rapper
3. 10 -10  - Acrobat
4. Queen - Ballet
5. 4 of a Kind - Circus Acts - Trapeze Duo - Tightrope solo
6. 3 of a Kind - Circus - Unicycle

Costume: idk much about fashion lol

They start off with more classical period clothes.
Long skirts with corsets and boning.Very Modest

More Modern shorter skirts, still very modest
I'll be making more theoretical groups in the future, I have alot of concepts i wanna write down :D

If want to use the concept, DM me and we can make an arrangement of sorts lol.
